About Journal

The Journal of Water Management in Agriculture invites all professors and specialists in irrigation and drainage and related sciences to submit scientific-research and extension articles. The Iranian Association of Irrigation and Drainage decided to publish a scientific-extendary journal of water management in agriculture in recognition of the importance of research findings and development of scientific approaches in solving irrigation and drainage related problems in the country. This journal is the first specialized journal in the field of irrigation and drainage management that promotes the science and raising awareness of irrigation and drainage management. In this journal, the goal is to provide a valuable collection of material pertaining to water science and engineering to both public and private stakeholders and experts

Journal ID

Scientific rank of the journal: Scientific

Publication period: Two Quarterly Scientific Journal

Average judging time: 7 weeks

Acceptance rate: 57%

Publication language: Persian with English abstract

Print ISSN: 2476-4531

Online ISSN: 2676-4369

First year of publication: 2014

Publisher: Iranian Association of Irrigation and Drainage

Journal Management System: Sinaweb